Pam Anders talked on social action.
Wendy's need to join their major competitors in working with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to join the Fair Food Program in order to guarantee farm workers' human rights in its supply chain.
You can sign a postcard and support this campaign to inform Wendy's that you are a person of faith who believes in the Biblical call to treat workers fairly, and for them to sign onto the Fair Food Program.
Joyce Bright, a member at Conway UMC and taught at Mission U this summer, did the study presentation on "What About Our Money?" It has us look at how we relate to money within the context of our faith. The book high lighted on the screen is Born on Third Base by Chuck Collins. It is on our reading list for this year. Chuck was the great grandson of meat packer Oscar Mayer and at the age of 26 he gave away his inheritance. Sounds like an interesting read.
This study is for all ages, adult, youth and children. Look in the May issue of Response magazine for articles about money.
Diane Wells presented the study on "Health and Wholeness".
This is a global issue. We need to be in community with each other, plants, and animals.
Her presentation was interactive with planting leaves, and two skits.
There was a lot of literature available to pick up and buy. Pat was getting quite a selection of books for our library and pamphlets to share with the circles. We should keep reading and studying on all these topics.