About 50 women gathered at IHOP on Wednesday for the UMW June Circle's luncheon meeting.
There were women from all five of the circles present.
Noelene shared about Anointed Community. A generous donation of cash, gift cards and items were collected to give to them.
Unfortunately the one Sunday that Jan Becherer missed church was the day people were to be recognized by UMW for their special service to the church and community. Her pin was presented to her today.
Jan is an active member of FUMC and our UMW unit. She is a member of the Lunch Bunch circle and was their leader for 2 years. She has served on the Executive team of the unit for the past 3 years. She was Vice -President for 2 years and now is the Mission Coordinator of Membership, Nurture and Outreach.
Jan has been Co-Chair of the Holiday Bazaar and a shopkeeper for the Made With Love Shop for several years. She also helped make beautiful quilts and other items for the Opportunity Drawing at the Bazaar. She has helped in several areas for the annual Spring Luncheons and Fashion Shows. Jan regularly attends District and Conference events and is very willing to share information she has learned.
Jan has been an active member of the Boomers Sunday School Class since its inception. she has helped plan field trips and service projects for the class. She provides food and help fro the Grace and Grief committee as they facilitate receptions for families after funerals and Memorial Services. Jan has also assisted with the backpack food program for children at a local school and with the Christmas Program Miracle on 7th Street for families in the community. Jan is a member of the Lake County Quilters Guild and has made numerous quilts that have been given to community organizations. She has been on a committee to research needs for donations of quilts in Lake County.
Another recipient of the Special Recognition Pin was traveling and not in church the Sunday they were presented. We were glad Janet Blume was able to join us today to present her with her pin.
Janet is an active member of the Daughters of Lydia Circle, our Clermont unit, and the East Central District United Methodist Women. She is also an active member of FUMC. Janet served as treasurer of her circle for 1 year and is currently the Co-Chair. In East Central District UMW Janet is currently serving as Mission Coordinator of Education and Interpretation. She attends their planning meetings and regularly scheduled events and is very efficient in completing the tasks required. Janet
has attended Mission U for several years and been an excellent resource and helper with the Mission Studies presented for our Unit.
For the last 2 years at the Holiday Bazaar, Janet has worked in Santa's Workshop as Mrs. Santa assisting children to make crafts so their parents were able to shop. Another year she used her sewing skills monogramming names on aprons.
Janet is active in the church serving on the Finance committee and volunteering to work with the church treasurer counting monetary donations on Monday mornings. For 2 years Janet has been a guiding force for the Christmas Miracle on 7th Street Program for local families. The program has helped hundreds of families and given prayer support to parents, gifts, and food to numerous households.
For several years Janet was involved with the Trunk or Treat Program organizing and providing a Christian environment for children and families to enjoy Halloween activities. Janet also can be seen many Wednesday afternoons in the Wesley Center lobby volunteering as a cashier for the Wednesday night dinners. She is a member of FUMC Life Group and is supportive and willing to become involved in community activities as the needs arise. She often helps family members who live nearby.
Janet was involved with Boy Scouts of America for many years when she lived in Maryland and is well aware of the importance of being a positive influence in the lives of children.
Our last recipient is still travelling and was not at the luncheon. She still has not received her pin but has been notified. Andrea Beaver ( in red) is an active member and Secretary of the Lunch Bunch circle. She is also Secretary of the Leadership Team for our Unit of United Methodist Women. She has been co-chair of the Opportunity basket Project for the Spring Luncheons and is a Shopkeeper for the Holiday shoppe at the Fall Bazaar. Andrea enjoys expressing her creativity by making beautiful decorative items for the Bazaar.
Andrea is an active member of the We Care Ministries and of Celebrate Recovery. She regularly sets-up materials and makes greeting cards for We Care Ministries before Wednesday Night Dinners in the Wesley Center. Andrea and her husband are on call as drivers for home delivery of the Meals on Wheels Program of the Church. Andrea also serves as an usher at the 8:00 services on Sunday morning.
In the community Andrea has been active in the Emerald Lakes Estates community and helps with their Fund Raiser Bazaar and garage sale. She is also becoming active with FAITH Neighborhood Center by collecting needed items and will be helping pack food boxes for the Summer Lunch Program for children.
Andrea is a dedicated Christian living her principles in the church, United Methodist Women and the community,