Monday, October 14, 2019


 At least 10 women from our unit attended the East Central District UMW 14th Annual Meeting on Saturday October 12, 2019.
 Anne Winn, District President welcomed all the women present.
 District officers were introduced. Clermont has a very good representation of officers.
 Pat Hering read the Prayer Calendar.
 She shared some information about the Congo where the little girl who had drawn the picture lives.
 Paulette Monroe, Florida Conference Lay Leader was the speaker. She encouraged us to nurture younger women. Invite them to go to meetings with you. Younger women like the mission work that UMW does. She also encouraged us to take advantage of every opportunity this organization has to offer. Get involved.

 Phoebe Lustre did the Memorial Service. Pam Anders read the names of members who have died from each unit and a representative from the unit took a carnation for each name read.. The five members from Clermont UMW who have died this year were Edith Bruns, Dot Huber, Annie Laurie, Helen McKillop and Betty Sack.
 Reverand Jad Denmark from St. Luke's had the Holy Communion service.
 The business session was held with an election of officers.
There was the installation of elected leaders and appointees.

Unit elections were asked to be held by November,so the names of  leadership team can be sent to the Secretary.
 2020 District meetings dates were given and units were asked to plan around them so there would not be conflicts.
  The District has received two grants. The first one is for  $500.00 to be awarded to the unit  that has the most members attending all 4 District meeting in 2020. To make it fair for all units it will be determined proportionate to the active member in each unit. Encourage members in your Circles to attend District meetings, Invite someone to ride with you. 
The second grant gives $300.00 to be  given to the unit that reads the most UMW books in 2020. I know everyone can read at least four books to accomplish Plan 1. Make it your goal and keep reading.

Lunch was served and the meeting ended soon after noon.