Monday night, March 2, the church had a very nice Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Close to 250 people attended.
A game to get to know each other was played before dinner. Pastor Doug welcomed everyone.
Pastor Chris said some words of thanks for all the volunteer that helps make our church amazing.
We then had to match an item or picture to a volunteer position that would use that item: A tongue depresser? a Christmas tree? an easel flip chart ? There are 33 volunteer positions. It shows there are lots of ways to serve, and it takes a lot of people.
Pastor Dawn introduced Celeste, President of our UMW. Celeste announced the five recipients of Special Mission Recognition Pins for 2020.
These pin represent a monetary gift to United Methodist Women National Division to support the global missions of the United Methodist Women Organization. The recipients were nominated by members of our unit and circles within the last few months. After prayerful consideration, these five people were selected to receive these pins using the following criteria. The recipients attends FUMC and contributes special services to the church. The person should exhibit special service in the community and exemplify the United Methodist Women's Purpose within our Unit and Faith Community.
Celeste pinned on each recipient's pin.
From left to right is Celeste and Diane, who was head of the nominating committee. The five recipients are:
Sue Friend had been a long time member of Lunch Bunch Circle and currently a member of the newly formed Circle of Grace. She has a heart for missions, doing mission outreach through our Church and Unit of United Methodist Women. She has been a member of the Church's Mission Committee for many years. She is the liaison with Find, Feed and Restore Ministry. Sue and her husband have shopped for and delivered food for new clients moving into a trailer.The funds for the food are provided by the local mission outreach of our UMW unit. Sue is one of the original members of the weekend backpack program for at risk children in South Lake County, the program now called Feed the Children of South Lake, She is one of the drivers to deliver hot meals for Meals on Wheels Program. This year she helped organize the Gingerbread House gift program for referred families in this church and community. Sue's heart and eyes are always open to needs in the community and finding a way to help.
Cindy Saunders
is an active member of the Lunch Bunch Circle where she has presented devotions and programs. She has the gift of teaching and making others feel welcomed and loved. She is the teacher in the Searchers Adult Sunday School Class. With her commitment and caring Searchers Class has been growing and is a place where members and guests feel love in action and a family like connection. She is a member of Kings Daughters Bible Study and has filled in as leader when needed. She has lead numerous other Bible Study Classes. Cindy is an encourager and nudges people to get involved in the Church and community.
Judy Stambaugh is a long time member of United Methodist Women and devoted member of Morning Joy Circle. She reminds everyone about meetings and often does devotions. She donates supplies for local mission projects with South Lake Head Start. Judy is a member of the Searchers Sunday School class, Grace and Grief Committee, and Kings Daughters Bible Study. She loves to sew and makes red fleece Christmas stockings for the babies born in December at South Lake Hospital, makes items for the Holiday Bazaar, and does lots of sewing for Days for Girls. If you need a ride Judy is always willing to drive. Her love of thrift store shopping helps many with warm blankets she has found, washed and given away. She truly does what Jesus commanded "To love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Dottie Mathias is a member of Circle of Grace. She is an active member and is willing to present a monthly program. devotion or book review. Two years ago she assumed the new office of Communications Coordinator with our Unit of United Methodist Women and has developed a blog. The blog shows pictures and news of members participating in local meetings, East Central District and FL Conference UMW events. Dottie helps with Grace and Grief Committee,Vacation Bible School, Celebrate Recovery Ministry, Days for Girls, and the Friends and Fellowship Sunday School Class. Dottie and her husband work as NOMADS Mission Volunteers, a Global Ministry of the Methodist Church. They are Project Coordinators for all the NOMADS volunteers working at churches, camps, and Children"s Homes in Florida.
Laura Stokes Henry has attended FUMC since 1996. Laura has a rich history connection to South Lake County. Her grandparent's Harry and Laura Stokes moved to this area in 1888. Her Grandfather was a 5-term elected official, bank president and is honored at South Lake Hospital as being a driving force bringing the hospital to the area. Her grandmother was the first postmistress of the Town of Mohawk which is now a part of Minneola. Laura taught Sunday School and served on the FUMC Missions Committee for many years. At FUMC she met Vic and Phyllis Hutcheson, They were looking for a way to support South Lake County citizens as they cope with the emotional and financial aspects of dealing with cancer. The Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation (GCCF) became a reality 16 years ago when it became a nonprofit, federal tax exempt 501 (c) (3) with Laura serving as a Board Director and Officer. In 2016 Laura stepped up and assumed the responsibilities of Foundation President. GCCF continues to be a 100% volunteer organization. Laura has experienced the invasion of cancer in her own family with cancer taking the lives of her father, grandfather, and grandmother. At the the age of eleven. her oldest daughter was diagnosed with a form of leukemia. Prayers were answered when after extensive treatment, Alden was declared cancer free. Laura's compassion, dedication and commitment to serving and making a difference in the lives of the cancer patients and their families is beyond compare.