Circle of Grace had an in person meeting in the Social Hall of the church on October 20,2020.
We did not use zoom for the meeting, since no one had indicated they wanted to Zoom instead of joining in person.
Ten members were present, Barb had devotions and Noelene read from the prayer calendar.
Kim Perry gave the treasure report. We have been blessed to have her as our treasure, but she is resigning and Marguerite Overs has accepted taking the position.
Dottie Mathias had the program for Pledge to Missions. She followed the 2020 UMW Program book adapting it to social distancing. First we looked at on phones and each member wrote down three places, people or ways UMW follows the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25:35 We then took turns calling out different numbers and sharing the information to make our Kin-dom web. As you can tell we were missing 12 and 5 so our web had holes, just as the ability for UMW to help others when pledges are missing.
It was interesting to read all the ways UMW reaches others. Your pledge works in many ways around the world.
The program ended with remembering our baptism. Each member went up put their pledge in the basket and another member stood at the other end of the table and in the air made the sign of the cross and said " In baptism, you a beloved child of God, are called to be in mission and ministry"
During announcements Barb Reed and Karma Boyd both told us that for medical reason it was best for them to step down as leader and co-leader. We thank them for their leadership and in keeping this new circle going. They have done a great job and their shoes will be hard to fill. Noelene McCall and Dottie Mathias have agreed to take over leadership for next year.
The Thankful basket was past around and all expressed gratitude for being able to gather together again and several members had the joy of weddings.