Tuesday, January 26, 2021

ECD Leadership Development Training

 Anne Winn welcomed 49 participants on the Zoom Leadership Development training on Saturday, January 23, 2021.  She explained that the ECD calendar dates are incorrect and a new dates will be updated  soon.

  Specific officer training will occur at later dates. You should hear from your ECD officer about when your position's zoom meeting will be held in the next few days.

Cluster meetings are to help unite units in our ECD according to their geographical locations.  We can be more active with each other especially for those units with small membership. Mission Studies will be done by clusters. 

Mary Ann opened with a prayer.
Phoebe shared the mission and the readings from the Prayer Calendar.
Pam Davis is the Dean for Mission U.  Mission U will be held at the Life Enrichment Center on July 15 to July 17th. It will also be done virtually on July 19th and July 26. So you have two options to attend, in person or on line.  This is the 75th year of mission education in Florida.
The first hour for the training was about Leadership Development Skills.
Having a idea or vision where you want to be and work to achieve that vision. Examples  in UMW were given.
Planning and implementing the plan are the ways of making the vision a reality.
As the plans are in place, there will be times when the plans  need to be changed or tweaked. 

Communication is always a multifaceted experience.

Persuasion and influence rely on common commitment to the plan.
We then went to breakout groups to use these tools to form plans on topics of concern in our units. 
Usually at a District Event an offering is taken. Janet showed us how to give on line.  Go to www.unitedmethodistwomen.org  At the top you will see a green button that says Give Now. It walks you through the steps. 

The last hour of the training was looking at a very useful Welcoming Event Toolkit  that is on the UMW  website. It is there for you to use whenever you are planning any kind of an event. It would be a great help, covering many ideas you may forget otherwise.  Working as a team and forming relationships and remembering to celebrate the event were points that were found important. 

Thanks to all the work that went into this program by Anne and Janet. As always,  a lot of good information shared and learned. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021


On January 14 Pam went over to Sharon's new home in Cocoa. She presented Sharon with her SMR pin with a sapphire given to her in appreciation for her years of service from our UMW Unit. Baily, Sharon's granddaughter pinned it on her. Sharon serves the Lord faithfully and has already become involved with UMW in Cocoa. We will miss seeing her but  she is close enough to go and visit. She appreciated seeing Pam.