Monday, May 10, 2021
Betty Johnson, chair of the UMW Mission Selection Team, went to Faith Neighborhood Center in Groveland and presented Trish Kry a check for $2,500. Trish is the Executive Director of Faith Neighborhood Center. The money was raised through many generous donation to the Spring Fundraiser in March and April, that was done in place of our the annual fashion show and luncheon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
At the April Days for Girls meeting all the pieces for the kits had been sown and kits were ready to be assembled. About 80 kits were made.
Evelyn Rose stopped by and told the team that she and her husband still call St. Vincent home and were helping with the Relief Effort in any way they could. St. Vincent has experienced a continuing series of huge eruptions of its volcano La Soufriere since April 9th. Over 15,000 people have been relocated to shelters in other parts of the Island. There is no timeline as to how long this will go on. A significant number of those evacuated are women and girls . The island is blanketed in ashfall which as well as hampering visibility, destroying buildings and agriculture, causes immediate and long-term breathing problems. The shelters are mainly in schools and churches, some of which are Methodist. Evelyn felt the Days for Girls kits would be extremely helpful and asked if some could be donated. All the kits that were packed that day were given to her. She took them to the donation site and explained to the coordinator about the kits. The kits will be distributed among the centers housing teenage girls and young ladies who have been hit hardest by the displacement. One center House of Hope houses teenage moms. Evelyn thanks the Days for Girls, Clermont chapter for answering her prayer to help those in volcano ravaged St. Vencent and the Grenadines.
Monday, May 3, 2021
ECD presented a zoom program on the Charter for Racial Justice on Saturday, May 1,2021.

we looked at the time line.
20 years after it started Theressa Hoover was the first African American Deputy General Secretary of the Woman's Division. She served for over 20 years.
We were encouraged to go in and read the Charter for Racial Justice, it is only 3 pages long.
Download this UMW's study about the letter from a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin L. King.
In breakout groups we discussed the "We believe " statements and a leadership scenario.
To keep updated use the UMW website and the Racial Justice Resources.
The program ended with this prayer.