Our Unit had a December program with installation of officers on Saturday morning. Last year we met on zoom. It was good gathering together in person this year.
It is nice to see and get to know woman from other circles.
We had a nice brunch before the meeting.
About 20 woman were in attendance.
My sister, Lynda came as a guest.
The tables were decorated with nativity scenes.
Patricia gave out the certificates for those who have been reading the books from the reading program.
Ann gave the treasurer's report and in missions this year we gave a grand total of $27,963.96 !!
Karen was one of the Rainbow Giver this year.
Her Mission Recognition Pin was given to Susan for all the work she does at the church.
Linda announce our unit achieved being a Gold Today unit. When she had to send in her report there was only one thing she could not check that we had accomplished. We are a very active and hard working unit.
Pastor Dawn and Nancy had the installation of officers program.
Celeste had a hoop and each officer tied a ribbon on to it to show how we are woven together. Celeste is the unit president and Carolyn is vice-president.
Andrea has resigned from being secretary after many faithful years of service and Kim is taking the position.
Ann is the treasurer.
Evelyn stood in for Betty who is the Mission Selection Team.
Patricia is coordinator of Program Resources.
Pat is coordinator of Spiritual Growth.
Karen has resigned as Social Actions Coordinator and Marguerite will be taking the position but was unable to make the meeting.
Linda is coordinator of Education and Interpretation for our unit and the East Central District.
Dorann stood in for Jan who is the Coordinator of Membership, Nurture and Outreach.
Diane is the chair of the Committee of Nominations.
Dottie is the Communication coordinator on the end. These are the officers for the year. Thank them for their willingness to serve, support them in their work and keep them in your prayers.