Monday, December 5, 2022


 Betty and Evelyn were able to deliver a check to Forward Paths from the money raised at the Holiday Bazaar. Forward Paths helps teens who have aged out of the Foster care program.

Cathy presented Trish Kry a check for $2,000 for Neighborhood Center of South Lake.
Cathy gave a check for $1000 to Linda Cowels and Ms Lee for Anointed Community.
 All of the organizations are very grateful for our support.  
Pam, Betty and Diane delivered treats and the gift cards for all the staff at Head Start. 

Head Start Director Anneesa and Case Manager Janet accepting the treats and gift cards. They were very appreciative.

Pam, Betty and Diane were given a tour of the building. The teachers had decorated all the doors for the holidays.

The parents of the 113 head start students helped to decorate for the holiday party with the theme of "Whoville"

Jan Becherer arranged for 15 quilts be given to Anointed Community. In the picture:  Ms Lee, Linda Cowls, Monroe and Marilyn. With cold days ahead these well be very appreciated. 


All through the year many women from our unit sew stockings and knit hats.

This poem is attached to the stockings.

This is a service project of Daughter of Lydia Circle. 

Jody, from Daughters of Lydia Circle, standing by the table full of finished stockings and hats.

Kathy helped deliver the stockings to South Lake Hospital.  The stockings were given to the nurses in the maternity ward. Each stocking will hold a baby born in December and will be given to the proud parents.


Monday, November 21, 2022


The 49th Annual Meeting for the Florida Conference United Women in Faith was held in Lakeland on Saturday, November 19, 2022

At 9:45 the meeting opened with singing lead by Lyn Sears.

Conference President, Deaconess Judith Pierre-Okerson welcomed everyone and expressed her joy of meeting in person this year. 

 Alice Williams and Derrick Scott IIII ,Co-Lay leaders, FL Annual Conference talked about change. The South East Jurisdiction had 4 Bishops retire and 3 new ones appointed.  Bishop Carter had Western NC and Florida. Next year he will not have Florida only Western NC. The General Conference for the United Methodist Church will be held in 2024 in Charloette, NC. There is a question if the delegates that were to go to the 23 Annual Conference will go to the 24 or another election should be held.  
Reverend David McEntire is the Senior pastor at First United Methodist Church in Lakeland. He agreed that the layette is the strength of the church. At the invocation he stressed to keep going and keep our focus on what lies ahead. We are changing the world through the power of Jesus Christ. 

Bishop Carter spoke by video.

The Prayer Guide was read. The 2023 Prayer Guide could be purchased at the meeting. 

Proverbs 4:28 was the Scripture for this meeting, "let your eyes look straight ahead." It was read in 4 languages.

The memorial Service, Dawning of a New Day.  137 members have passed away this year, 17 of them from our district. 

There was a tribute to Ressie Mae Bass former Conference President. Different people spoke about her. She sounded like an amazing person to have known. Mentoring, being bold, taking action, helping others what a legacy she left. 
Telling our stories past and present.
 Donna Spears, conference Treasurer, talked about our giving. She held up a long list of things she was to do that day like helping farmers in Asia, working with human trafficking,  getting clean water to villages in Africa, and on and on. No one could do it by themself, but with giving of our pledges, prayer and self denial contributions and thanks offerings these needs are accomplished.
Edith Zewadski-Bricker, Conference Social Action Liaison, talked about how we change things through action. Cards were given to us mail to our Senator to promote action against school pushout. Mark April 22 at 9:30 on your calendar to see a 90 minute program on Love in Action: the Charter for Racial Justice.  

Pamela Sue Davis is the chair of the Legacy Committee. since she had no voice Donna Spears helped present building the next 150 years. Our legacy giving insures that work will continue to be done to help women, children and youth. 
Sally Vonner, Transformation Officer United Women in Faith National Office, was the speaker.  United Methodist women have embraced lots of changes; raised new leaders, learned new skills, zoomed meetings. " Keep life moving forward, looking back is only for time travelers". Be bold, show up and make a difference. Every generation has gone through changes, nothing new. We are bigger than ourselves.  Lot of research went into the new branding to United Women in Faith. 24,000 women were polled; members, nonmembers, churched, not church.  The new name allows for unity no matter what churches do and more women will feel welcome to join. Moving forward and letting go of the familiar allows for growth.  God in the past is the same God leading us into the future. 
After a very good lunch, Ruth Fleurimond, a member of United Women in Faith, South West District and Jennifer Noel, member , program Advisory Group, National Organization spoke on New Wineskin Celebration. Ruth is a confident young woman. She exemplifies how United Methodist  Women have inspired, influenced and had an impact on our youth.  

The business meeting was held. 
Paulette Monroe was installed on the Committee of Nomination class of 2026 by Sally Vonner.

Our District and Unit have accomplished a lot;  doing Mission Studies, being Five Star Unit, having Rainbow Givers, and active in the Reading Program. 

Looking forward,  Mission U will be held in Lake Mary at a hotel this year on July 14-16 and also on zoom July 18,20,25,27.
The first new unit as United Women in Faith. 
Reverend Debbie Keller Allen, South West District Superintendent and United Women in Faith Cabinet Liaison. She knew how important United Methodist Women had been in the churches she had pastored and is why she asked to be the cabinet liaison.  50 of the 75 churches in the SW District have been damaged by the hurricanes.
She lead us in communion,
Lyn Sears beautifully sang the Lord's Prayer during the communion  celebration.
The meeting ended at 3:00. 



Days for Girls meet the third Thursday of every month. Karen does a great job of coordinating all the work to be accomplished and getting kits sent out. Many people are doing the sewing at home, so if you are a sewer stop by and see how you can help.  In November Karen was the only doing some sewing with the serger. 
Yvonne putting snaps on the shields,
Shields being put together. so they can be sewn.  Women from all denominations and other communities come and work.
Noelene and Linda folding wash clothes. 
Judy  putting a pad in the shield and snapping it closed.   There are a lot of steps in making a kit. So come help to fold, trace, cut, iron, snap, sew and assemble kits. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Thursday several women moved all the things for the bazaar from storage in the Social Hall to the Wesley center. Friday morning the tables were set up and ready for table clothes. 
Several women working on where and how to display the jewelry.
Wagonful of items made at the craft shack were brought over.
Claudia marking the delicious vanilla she has made for the bazaar.
Diane, Carolyn and Kathy getting the unique and collectible items displayed.
Linda nd Sally working hard on arranging the General store.
Sherrill working on getting books priced.
Celeste setting up the gift card tree.
Tables starting to come together.
Betty, Jan and Celeste putting up the stand  to display the Ukraine quilt.
Sherri bringing in all the jars of food she has canned.
Margaret getting the floral arrangements displayed.
Linda making progress putting out the many items they had for sale.

Cathy organizing the purses and scarves.
Jan getting some assistance setting up the Made with Love area.

Tables are looking very nice with lots of beautiful items.

A lot to look at and buy. Great prices too.

Jewelry for every occasion. 

Trees all ready decorated for Christmas.
Wreaths for each season.

All you need to decorate for Thanksgiving.

Canned goods of all kinds.
So many delicious canned items, hard not to buy one of each.
The yellow and blue quilt raised money to help the work of the churches in Ukraine. $5 bought you a ticket to be put in the drawing to own this quilt.
$5 got you name put in to win the $550 worth of gift cards on the tree. 
At 8:30 Saturday morning the doors were open for people to come shop.
It was pretty busy all morning.

Mimi and Pam had snacks and lunch to keep the volunteers well fed.
 It was good having some younger woman helping at the bazaar.  Sally Watkins granddaughter, Anne was the winner of the Gift Cards. Congratulations.
The money raised at the bazaar is used by United Women to help support many organizations, most of them in the Lake County area.  Thanks to all that helped, worked, and shopped to make this a successful bazaar once again.