Saturday, February 26, 2022


Sherry Pilon is no longer a UMW member due to her work with the We-Care program, Sherry works very hard on UMW projects. Each year on her own time she makes an amazing number of jars of jam, tomato sauce, pie filling, and pickles to be sold at the Holiday Bazaar. Recently she prepared and served lunch for over 100 volunteers who built beds for "Sleep in Heavenly Peace"  Sherry serves with Pastor Dawn on the We-Care team to help shepherd and care for members of our church community. She truly has a servant's heart.
Diane Wells has the special honor of having a 50 year UMW membership pin. In her 9 years at FUMC, she has been a leader of Daughters of Lydia, SMR pin chair, and head of the mission Selection Committee, deciding which local missions will receive funds. A very special project of Diane's has been organizing the Christmas stockings to place newborn babies at South Lake Hospital in for their trip home.  With her continued membership in the National Association of  Social Workers, she is drawn to delivering supplies to Faith Neighborhood Center to Faith Neighborhood Center, Lov Extension, and Forward Paths.

Fred Staudt is the husband of one of our members and frequently attends UMW functions, assisting where needed. He willingly sets up equipment and carries supplies for our special events.  Fred is a participant with eh Weekday Warriors on the church campus as he helps with landscaping, painting, and carpentry projects. As a weekly volunteer at Faith Neighborhood Center, he and his wife, Mary Sue, have a special project of going to garage sales to purchase children's books to give away when a child accompanies their parent.  Fred always has a positive attitude and is an example of the UMW motto "Putting Faith, Hope and Love into action"

Rula Roberts shines her light throughout her activities within the church and the community. Her ability with finances has made her a valuable treasurer of Circle of J.O.Y. and Searchers Sunday School Class, along with handling the sales and reservations for the Spring Fundraising Luncheon. She is part of a Life Group at FUMC that focuses on helping Faith Neighborhood Center, where she and her husband are volunteers.  Within the community, Rula and her husband attend most city council meetings and provide transportation to medical appointments when needed. She was a dear friend of Opal McClanahan for many years and prayed with her in her final days.

Dallis Wehr is the food ministry manager and is very supportive of UMW fundraising events, especially with a wonderful luncheon for our Spring Fashion Show.  Dallis prepared over 13,500 meals in 2021 for the church Food for Friends program, serving approximately 100 clients a week plus lunches for the Wesley Christian Academy. Her support of community activities helps to promote FUMC.

 motto "Putting Faith, Hope, and Love into Action".

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


The East Central District (ECD)  leadership meeting was held by zoom January 29th.  One of the goals of UMW is to support women to become leaders, so this meeting was for all our members. 
Anne Winn, President of  ECD welcomed everyone..  Our unit had a good representation of officers .

Mary Ann is the district's new treasurer.
Her presentation  helped to  understand all the ways we give to missions.
Your pledge is important and usually the largest amount you give every year to missions. 
Ann Vogt has Gift in Memory cards. You give your contribution (a minimum of $5) when you use the card.  

We are a five star unit.

We had seven Rainbow Givers in our unit last year. Maybe more can do it this year.

We also support missions through these programs.
This year the Prayer and Self Denial offering goes to help support deaconesses and home missions.

Almost half of the United Methodist Women Revenue comes from our Mission Giving.
How our giving is at work around the world.

Doris presented about the importance of growing our membership.
We need to think of new ways of doing things.
Women who are not in any UNW unit seek spiritual women's group that have fun and service/action activities. 
Talk about UMW and invite a women to join you. Keep in touch with each other.

Use the UMW Program Book, plan an activity. be social active, and include several  members.
Ester  Kim was our guest presenter from conference.
She talked on nurturing each other so we can grow. Just like a garden, some plant some water.
These are things a leader does to become a good leader. Are you ready to lead?
Anne talked about being the President in UMW.
When we say we can't we are really saying we don't want to.
This is often what is said when someone is asked to become the President. Anne then told how each is not true or can be overcome. 

There are others to help on your team and you should be delegating the work. 
Don't let the title scare you.
The job description is in the pledge we say at each meeting. 

Women supporting women to grow.

All of us are leaders in our homes and some at jobs so lets bring these skills to UMW. 
 Next there were breakout groups for each of the offices on the leadership team. This gave the opportunity to learn from each other and give support.
 Join the team and become a leader in your circle, unit or district.