Friday, May 27, 2022


Assembly 2022 was held in Orlando from May 19 to the 22nd.  It was attended by about 2000 women from mostly around the United States but also a few from other countries. There were also about 1000 who attended virtually.  There was lots of singing lead by these singers and muscians, all women and very talented.

Harriett Olson and Daryl Junes-Joe making amends for the role the church has played in  taking over Native American lands and the harm that has been done. A Native American blessing and time of repentance.

Rev. Sung Yeon Choimorrow shared about how Asian have been viewed and the demoralization of Asians, especially the women in our country. A rampant racial discrimination and injustice toward Asians. 
How Asian women were sterotyped as sex objects in movies, and seen as such today. The systemic and structural demonization and hypersexualization  has been perpetuated against Asian American women by the media and the United States government.  Which lead to the killing of the  Asian-American women in March  2021 at Atlanta spa.
Asians being dangerous to the USA,
Or more recently as all Asians as being the super smart and the cause of Covid.
 Choimorrow shared " Racism against Asian American isn't an individual thing where you wonder where did they get that from? They got that from the government of the USA . They got it from majority white culture folks who continue to insist we are here for your cultural consumption and not your neighbors". We all need to play a role in correcting that narrative. She challenged us to go deeper in our care and love of our neighbors. To Show care in a way that is inconvenient for us. 
There was some great interpretive dancing done to music that reflected the issues that were highlighted. 

Cindy Sisco from Cornerstone Family Ministries brought these delightful children to sing to us. 

Janet Wolf was the keynote speaker. She was very passionate about social justice. 

She was the author of this book that we used as our study in 2019 for Mission U.
There was the consecration of 61 deaconesses and home missioners. 
Ester Kim that serves on the Florida Conference of United Women in Faith was one of those who became a deaconess.
Linda standing outside the Experience Hall.  It is where lunch was served. It was were the vendors and the book store were located. There was also an area for you could mix and mingle.
They had the Mission U  study available to purchase. It sold out fast.
The Upper Room had other books for sale, but there were no books from the current UWF reading list. The authors of the books were available at certain times for book signing.

The lunch followed good environmental practices, the water was in a box, not plastic.
12 women from our unit attended and helped volunteer. Back row left to right Dottie Mathias, Yvonne Lorah, Marguerite Overs, Celeste Hicks, Diane Wells, Carolyn  Blankenship. Front row left to right. Linda Welander, Evelyn Rose, Betty Johnson, Janet Blume, Nancy Faine and Pat Harrell pictured below. 

Going into the Community Gathering
everyone tuning it up.
U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland joined us by video speaking on the moral responsibility women of faith have when it comes to climate change, environmental reform and caring for the earth. She is the first Native American to serve as cabinet secretary.

Heather McTeer Toney spoke on enviromental concerns and how sick the world is becoming." Nature loves us all the same, but we don't show nature the love back." She invited us to look to our neighbors for the answer is already within us. We are the answer. Get involved and don't say the problem is too big. " But you don't know my faith because nothing is too hard for God" 
Women from Tahiti sang in their native language with beautiful harmonies. 
The rebranding of United Methodist Women to United Women in Faith was explained. Faith, Action and Sisterhood working together.
Our Faith in God leads to action and sisterhood.
Faith Talks are one way to grow.
Mission Studies are important.
Sisterhood and getting connected with each other.
The five jurisdictions of United Women in Faith were represented. Assembly happens every 4 years. There are gatherings every 2 years in between. Our southeastern jurisdiction will meet in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 2024. 

The use of technology for members to become more connected.
Taking care of our soul is seen as very important. Can't help others if you are not taking care of yourself.
Thrive is the new way to learn and connect.
Also the new United Women in Faith web page.

Rev. Alzia Machauene from Mozambique spoke and told how our pledge monies helped her get an education and succeed in being a leader.

Keziah Kargbo from Sierra Leaone also told how getting a scholarship from UMW   helped her become a leader in her country. 

Elizabeth Chun Hye Lee talked about Just Energy for All. Postcards were given to everyone to sign. The cards were collected and sent to  Representatives to encourage them to pass legislation that advances climate justice.
Betty, Evelyn, Linda, Dottie and Carolyn attended the Legacy Banquet along with 700 other women.

Rev. Yani was a poet and gave a rap presentation to the issues.

Harriet Janet Olson brought the message for Sunday's morning closing. She encouraged us to look to the future, adapt to change but know our core commitment; ", work for justice , love of God and care for women and children are shared values ". All women should know it is a place they feel safe and they belong.

Four women Bishops participated in the service. 

Music and dance closed out the meeting. 
Assembly was inspiring and very motivational: faith, sisterhood, and action. Mark your calendar for May 15-17 2026 to gather again in Indianapolis, Indiana.