Displays were put out.
There was lots of information about the agencies we help support and missions at the church.
United Women in Faith national and international mission.
Mo checked out the reading program. There were lots of free books.
Over 100 women attended.
Celeste welcomed everyone.
Pastor Dawn opened us with prayer and read about the women in Proverbs 31.
Everyone getting to know each other with an activity.
What is your birthday month?
Where were you born?
Have you worked in another country?
Then came a skit. Dottie as a woman with a list of problems she has heard about and wanting to put her faith into action to help address, but didn't know how to do it alone.
Cathy as the United women in Faith member helps Dottie learn about the organization and how it helps with the many issues she is concerned with. Celeste read the purpose and suggested they talk to the different Circles in our unit.
Noelene shared about Circle of Grace and Anointed Community.
Members from that Circle stood up and made some noise after each circle leader shared.
Evelyn shared about Circle of J.O.Y.
And Forward Paths how it supports children aging out to Foster care.
Diane talked about Daughter of Lydia.
Their support of LovExtension,
and the stockings and hats made for South Lake hospital at Christmas.
Diane shared about Morning Joy.
and the Neighborhood Center. and how the Circle supports it.
Sue shared all about Find, Feed and Restore.
Dorann talked about Women of God.
Marie held up the sign. Thank to Noelene for making all the signs.
Women of God is a working circle stuffing the bears to be given to comfort children in stressful situations.
Linda had put together a power point program, so there were pictures and information on the screen as each circle and agency was talked about.
Summer luncheons were highlighted
We celebrated all the different ways women in the church work together to meet needs.
Those who read for the Reading Program and received certificates were recognized.
Days for Girls, MOPS, Prayer Shawl, King's Daughters Bible Study, Grace and Grief are all opportunities for women to get involved and share God's love.
Pastor Dawn highlighted the We Care brunch that was to be held on Saturday.
Dottie learned from Cathy and all the women that we can't do it alone, we need to be in a Christian sisterhood supporting, working and giving together. We can change the world if we do it together.
Dottie learned from Cathy and all the women that we can't do it alone, we need to be in a Christian sisterhood supporting, working and giving together. We can change the world if we do it together.
Everyone stood up and joined in the celebration to the song "We are Family"
I got all my sisters with me.
We are family I got all my sisters with me!
After the skit a delicious lunch was served by Dallis of 4 different salads,
and a yummy bread pudding for desert. We appreciated all who donated toward the meal to off set the cost.
Josh thanked the women for their support of the youth program and asked for prayers for boys and girls.
After a short business meeting Janet(the East Central District President), Nancy and Alma had the installation of our unit officers. The program was from the United Women of Faith program book for this year and on how we are sewn together.
Janet shared a quilt that her mother had started for her but was not able to finish before she died. Women, she did not know, got together, finished it and gave it to her. Women showing love and caring.
Alma gave each one a strip of cloth to add to the heart. Ann is the unit treasurer.
Evelyn filled in for Kathy Burns the new Secretary of Program Resources, she was unable to attend.
Diane and Cathy are co/chairs of the Committee on Nominations.
Linda is the Education and Interpretation coordinator.
The officers were then installed.
And the luncheon was finished 1 o'clock, right on time. It was a good celebration.