Several car loads of officials from our United Methodist Women traveled to Sanlando United Methodist church on Saturday for training.
The East Central District leadership team worked hard to have a very well organized and interactive training session.
Janet Blume was selling the Gift to Missions Cards.
We were to sit at different tables according to what position you hold in your unit.
It is good to meet other officers from other units and get to know them.
We had excellent representation.
All five of our circles had several officers at the training.
It was great to see Katrina Scott and Debbie Smith,the leaders from Young Women of God able to attend.
Annie Winn opened the training with a everyone reading the UMW Purpose.
The members of the East Central District 2019 Leadership Team were introduced. Annie Winn is President and did an excellent job of facilitating the training.
Kristi Carnesale is the Vice President of East Central District, besides being President of Sanlando United Methodist women.
Diane Abresky is Secretary.
Phoebe Lustre is Coordinator of Membership.
Our own Evelyn Rose is the Chair of the Committee on Nominations.
Lisa Oelschlager is Coordinator of Communications. She is the editor of the Trumpet Sound and created the Officers' Training Manual we were all given.
Our own Janet Blume is Coordinator of Education and Interpretation.
She is also the Secretary of Program Resources.
And Who is this???
Yes,our very own Pam Anders who is active in her role as Coordinator of Social Action.
The challenge for each Unit to have a Legacy fund Raiser was announced.
Any ideas??
The social action moment was to make a personal vow to STOP using plastic bags. Noelene is still taking T-shirts to make cloth bags for Faith Neighborhood.
What ever area we wanted more training for, we sat at that table and had good discussion and guidance from the East Central District Leadership Team member for that position. Since I was there for communications Lisa Oelschlager shared her expertise. It was nice putting a face to her name.
Anyone want to help make a facebook page for our unit? This blog is one way to keep informed and also you should receive the Trumpet Sound on email.
The second part of the meeting was talking about these three question, First we brainstormed about them at our tables, with our thoughts recorded on a poster board.
After each question each table shared one of their ideas. Our unit can be proud we have two new circles and that there is a circle with child care for the younger women.
The meeting ended with the announcement that we will host the next district meeting. Plan to come and meet other United Methodist Women in our District. You will have a good time.