Wednesday, January 23, 2019


People of Faith program was held at Blessed Sacrament on January 23, 2019. There were four churches represented.

 The program was held in the beautiful old sanctuary.
 The presentation was A Talk With Our Father. One woman was saying the Lord's Prayer and the other woman was taking the role of God.  God talked to the woman as she said each line of the prayer to realize how important it is and what it means, not to just recite the prayer.
$250.00 was collected to benefit Outward Sign. This is Blessed Sacrament  program to help families in need. 

FUMC was well represented with 23 women and a gentleman. ( a few women not in this picture) After the program there was a delicious luncheon hosted by the church.

An announcement was made about the Blessed Sacrament Council of Catholic Women rummage sale February 1 and 2 and the BSCCW Fashion Show on February 16 at the Wesley Center. It is good to support each other.

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