Saturday, January 12, 2019


Barb Reed wanted to reach out to women who did not attend any of the UMW circles and to form a  new afternoon circle.
Barb got a committee together and a new membership tea and luncheon was scheduled to be held on January 12th.
 Friday they decorated the tables.
 On Saturday several women worked to get plates of sandwiches and pastries ready for the tables.

 The tables looked lovely.
 About 40 women (and two men) attended the luncheon, with  over 1/4 being new members interested in joining a circle.
 Barb welcomed everyone.
 Pastor Dawn shared about the growth of UMW and gave the grace.
 Celeste Hicks, President of UMW talked about the history of UMW and importance of the mission work.
 Several members waited on the tables making sure there was plenty of food and tea.

 Linda Hmieleski did an inspirational dance to "I Can Only Imagine".

 Cathy D'heron, chairman of the Missions Selection Committee, explained about the local charities our UMW funds and introduced the guest speaker.
 Shannon Herrera, board president, and Brian Broadway from  Find, Feed and Restore showed us a very interesting film about this program. Helping one family at a time they are getting homeless families with children from living in cars to living in a trailer until they can get a place of their own.
Circle leaders shared about their circle.  Diane Wells talked about Daughter of Lydia. They meet the 1st Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 P.M. in the Social Hall.
 Pam Anders shared about Morning Joy.  They meet the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 A.M. in the Agape House.
 Carol Ferguson shared about Lunch Bunch. they meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11:30 A.M. in the Upper Room. You bring a bag lunch and drink.
 Katrina Scott shared about the newly started Young Women of God circle. The meet the third Sunday of the month at 5:00 in the Wesley Center Cafe. Childcare is available.
Sharon Ebbert shared about grace and the new Circle of Grace. The first meeting will be January 15th at 1:30 in the Upper Room.
The new members should have learned of a circle they may want to attend and be a active part of UMW. Together we will make a difference.

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