Tuesday, January 15, 2019


 The Circle of Grace had its first meeting on January 15. There was a little confusing on the time the meeting was starting, but from now on they will be meeting from 1:30 to 3:30 the third Tuesday of the month in the Upper Room. Barb Reed and Sharon Ebbert are the leaders for the Circle.
Eleven women attended. Sharing their backgrounds and experiences in UMW helped them get to know each other a little better.  Some of them attend other circles and some were new members. Sharon had a timely devotion and an interesting program was given by Barb. A  lot of business was accomplished. Members volunteered to be treasurer, secretary and reader of the prayer calendar. They decided to make a garden basket for the Spring fashion show and luncheon. For the February meeting after school snacks  will be brought to give to Anointed Community. The meeting ended with sharing of prayer concerns and praises. Barb was thankful for God's hand in starting this fifth circle, the Circle of Grace.

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