Saturday, December 22, 2018


 Jan Becherer opened the meeting with UMW purpose and  a prayer.

 Evelyn Rose had the program and showed two video from the UMW Assembly on Mary and being BOLD.
 Go to  and watch some of videos, very inspirational and talented.
 Pat Harrell explained the reading program encouraging all of us to read the Response magazine and the books in the  UMW library. Remember leaders are readers.
 She gave certificates to members who had completed the different reading plans.

 Diane Wells shared our recognition as a Five Star Unit.

 Diane Wells, Pam Anders and Karen Beagle are Rainbow Givers. Karen explained it was not hard to do.  Her gift in Memory was for her mother.

 Pastor Dawn Carter had the installation service of the leadership team. Dawn said she has a new appreciation of all UMW does to inspire woman having become a member of  the new circle, Young Women of God.
Our leadership team: Diane Wells standing in for Celeste Hicks as President, Lorna Broersma is Chairperson, committee of Nominations, Carolyn Blankenship is Vice President, Andrea Beaver is Secretary, and Ann Vogt is Treasurer.

 After the installation service Ann Vogt and Diane Wells went to PNC Bank in Clermont and presented them a certificate of  appreciation for the outstanding service they have given us.

Monday, December 17, 2018


Having out grown having the Lunch Bunch Christmas meeting at a home it was held in the Social Hall. Six members volunteered to decorate a table. Each was so unique and beautiful, a new tradition has started.

Linda Hmieleski entertained us with a Christmas interpretive dance.

There was lots of delicious food and good fellowship. Merry Christmas to all.