Sunday, March 17, 2019


  United Methodist Women have been busy getting people and groups in the church and community to contribute items for the baskets at the opportunity drawing and silent auction at the spring luncheon. Carol, Andrea and Margaret worked hours on putting the baskets together.

  March 16,2019 the Spring Luncheon and Fashion show was held for the 10th year.

Carol sold tickets for the opportunity drawings. Pat and Carolyn figured out how to use the cube so people could pay with a credit card.
 Lots of beautiful baskets.
 Hardest part was deciding which ones to put your ticket in.
 There were so many that you had to buy more tickets and before long all the tickets had been sold.

 Andrea and Margaret relaxed while others looked at the baskets.
 Besides the opportunity baskets there were two tables full of  items for the silent auction.

 Betty started the bidding an several of the items.

For a little fun there was a photo op.  Members of the Morning Joy Circle posed for a picture.
Carolyn and her friends had their picture taken.

 The tables looked lovely. The vase and rose were sold for $5 after the luncheon.

All the tables were filled with 350 people in attendance.
 Lorna and Barbara were the co-chairs for the luncheon.  They put a lot of work into it and it was quite a success.
 Lorna welcomed everyone and was the MC.
 Chef David is no longer the chef at the church after faithful service of 10 years. It was with his guidance that the luncheon began. He started the Wednesday night dinners, and served many other special event meals. He organized the Meal on Wheels and other food programs. United Methodist Women presented him with a Special Mission Recognition Pin with a heart felt thanks for all he has done for the church and community.

 Forward Paths was one of the recipients of money that was made from the luncheon.
 It was nice to hear of all the services they provide to youth that have aged out of foster care. She was very appreciative for all the support the Methodist churches are giving to this need.
 Families in Transition was the other organization that benefited from the luncheon.
 They too thanked UMW for their support,
 Pastor Dawn gave the blessing and lunch was served.
 There were many delicious salads, bread and rolls.
 While we waited to get our lunch we had nice selection of deserts served to us at the table.

Lorna thanked Dallis and the FUMC Food Service Team for making the luncheon a success.
 After the meal, Jan drew a ticket from the bag for each basket.
 Who has the winning number?? Sue waits to take the basket to them.
 Everyone had a free ticket at their place when they sat down. It was Carol's free ticket that won her the  Mexican basket.  Karla won the Italian basket.
 Now for the fashion show. Betty introduced Erika.  She has the Great Floridian Marketplace on 789 West Montrose Street in Clermont.  Betty was wearing a dress from the shop.
 Erika showed how her top could be worn in different ways with the clasp that is on it.
 Valerie modeled Magic Pants and a swing tunic.

Gloria modeled a Wingin It Shoulder Top and straight leg Magic Pants.

  Lana modeled an Asymmetrical Dress with Ruffles
 Valerie modeled  Criss Cross Back Hi Low Dress.
 Jennifer modeled a Swing tunic top and Basic Capris.
 Dawn modeled a Fish print Dress/tunic and basic capris.
 Kim modeled a chiffon Floral Tunic and Basic Capris.
Cathy, on the left side, modeled an Oversized Linen Shirt and Jasmine Zipper pocket capris. In the middle of this group of lovely models was Arleen in Marlie Tie Shoulder Tank and Magic Pants Capris. Thanks to all the models for a job well done. What was especially nice at each table were papers of what each model was wearing, the color they came in, the sizes and the price. If you saw something you liked stop by the shop. It is good to support our local merchants.
A big thanks to all the people who helped and contributed to the opportunity drawing, silent auction, luncheon and fashion show. It was a great day for a good cause.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


 World Day of Prayer was March 1.  The worship service was held at Blessed Sacrament in Clermont. The order of worship was prepared by the World day of Prayer Committee of Slovenia and World day of Prayer USA.  Women from several area churches represented women from Slovenia. They spoke about different issues the woman had faced living in Slovenia.
 Some of their issues were having to leave because of political unrest, becoming older, society discrimination, poverty, and lack of opportunities for women.  Janet Blume and
 Diane Wells took part in the presentation.
 After each of the women told their story, a prayer was given for all that are suffering from the problem in the world.
 There was a nice group of women present,  about 10 from United Methodist Women, Clermont. The end of the program  Luke 14:15-24  was read, the parable of the Great Supper. Then in small groups there were discussion questions about the parable to think about and share.
After the program a bountiful luncheon was served which included some Slovenia foods.