Monday, February 22, 2021


Diane Wells, chairman of  Special Mission Recognition  went to Circle meetings in February and presented the recipients their pins. She announced them to the church congregation on Sunday, February 21st. The following is what was shared.

 Since moving to Clermont Dorann Fryman has been a faithful member of the Morning Joy Circle. She regularly presents programs or devotions at the monthly meetings.  She is the proud mother of Reverend Dawn Carter our Pastor of Congregational Care.
For many years Dorann had the desire to form a circle for younger women. She has been instrumental in the formation of the Young Women of God Circle. She has been their mentor and encourages them to come together and become a creative, supportive fellowship.
 Dorann Fryman  has been active in the Children's Ministry helping on Sunday mornings and with Summer Bible School. She often helps with the youth during Celebrate Recovery on Thursday evenings. 
 Prior to COVID-19 she was active in the We Care Ministry visiting others several days a week. She  volunteered in the school system, at New Beginnings and at Faith Neighborhood. 
When Days for Girls was started Dorann began attending and offered help where needed.. 
For many years before and during the Holiday Bazaar, Dorann has helped in the kitchen setting up and serving food to volunteers. 
Dorann's love and passion for Christ is evident in her walk and talk with others. We are honored to present the Special Recognition Pin to Dorann Fryman for the way she shares her love and outreach in our United Methodist Women's Unit, our church and community.

Margaret Lay has been a member of the Lunch Bunch Circle for many years. She is supportive of the mission projects of the Circle.

 Margaret is not shy about expressing concerns about the needs for food, warm jackets and blankets for the clients of Faith Neighborhood Center. She often will  request empty egg cartons and plastic grocery bags be collected to assist in the packing of food. She frequently delivers donated items to the center.

Margaret is a volunteer with the Grace and Grief Committee of the church, donating food and helping at receptions after funerals or memorial services.

She is a member of the Prayer Shawl Ministry which is part of We Care Ministry of our church . She crochets beautiful shawls, lap robes and baby blankets to be given to members and friends of our congregation.

Margaret has a gift for creating lovely seasonal floral arrangements and numerous crafts items. She has been the coordinator for the Holiday and Christmas Shops for the Holiday Bazaars and fundraiser for our unit. 

It is with great pleasure that we recognize Margaret Lay for her involvement in mission activities and present her the Special Mission Recognition Pin.  

Carolyn Blankenship is the incoming chairperson of the Special Mission Recognition Pin Committee. She attended the Circle of  Grace meeting and put the pins on the recipients. 

Ann Vogt has been the treasure for our United Methodist Women's Unit for the last three years. She has amazing skills with handling the finances for special fund raisers and for the general budget of our Unit.
Ann is an active member of the Circle of  Grace and has presented programs at meetings to educate the members about the mission focus of giving.
Ann sings in the church choir and an ensemble for special music.
She also has volunteered for the Grace and Grief Group providing food and support to families after funerals and Memorial Services.
 Ann serves on the church's Nominating Committee and Finance Committee. 
For several years near Thanksgiving, Ann has been active in her neighborhood by organizing a food drive to benefit clients of Faith Neighborhood Center.  She has raised awareness in her community of the need for food and has helped with the collection and delivery to Groveland.
It is with pleasure that we present a Special Mission Recognition Pin to Ann Vogt for her participation in United Methodist Women and FUMC, putting Love into Action.
Barb Reed has been a member of FUMC for many years. She was an active member of the Lunch Bunch Circle and was the circle leader for several years.  When she felt God's nudge, she worked with our membership to sponsor an Afternoon Tea to encourage new ladies to attend and learn more about the United Methodist Women organization and activities.  As a result of the Tea two new Circles were formed. For the new Circle, Circle of Grace, Barb was one of the leaders for the last two years.
Barb has been a leader in organizing several Holiday Bazaars and Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show fundraisers. She has also helped teach a Mission Study raising awareness about our environment. 
Barb has served as greeter and an usher at the 11:00 service. She also has provided food for the Grace and Grief Receptions after funerals and Memorial Services. She and he husband, Rich, have served as drivers doing weekly deliveries for our Church's Home Delivered Meals Program.
Barb has been the liaison between our  Mission Selection Committee and LovEtension Social Service Agency in Tavares.  She has encouraged donations of food, cleaning items and incontinence items from our membership and helped with delivering to their office.  LovExtension has an outreach to disabled, home bound and needy senior citizens in Lake County.
We are happy to present this Special Recognition Pin to Barb Reed for her love and caring. She truly does as Jesus commanded "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Congratulations Barb.

Kay Justice was awarded a Special Mission Recognition Pin in October 2020 prior to relocating to Texas. The article about her was posted at that time on the blog. Her information was shared with the church on Sunday along with all of the other deserving, hard working and dedicated recipients who exemplify the United Women's Purpose within our Unit and Faith Community.  Congratulations to them all.