Saturday, October 24, 2020


The Children's Ministry at FUMC had  Trunk or Treat in the parking lot on Saturday morning. This truck's theme was Frozen and we saw a lot of girls dressed as Elsa and Anna.  
Miss Natalie, in orange, had activities ready to go. Volunteers were dressed and ready to have fun.
Lisa was ready for the race.
Mavis and Dottie ran this game. It was harder then it looked. Each child got 3 balls to throw and try to get in a hole. They bounced out a lot. I wiped each ball off before giving it to the child and we put candy right in their bag.
Natalie giving final instructions. She looks so cute.

At this game they had to knock the pumpkins off the ladder.
The children started coming at 10:30. It was fun seeing all the different costumes.

This costumed momma and her baby was so cute. I wish I had taken  pictures of some of the other great costumes.

There was a photo op. I  hope everyone got some great picture.
The games were well spaced and everyone kept social distancing
waiting their turn.

A fun morning was had, trying to keep everyone safe and still enjoying the season.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Circle of Grace had an in person meeting in the Social Hall of the church on October 20,2020.

We did not use zoom for the meeting, since no one had indicated they wanted to Zoom instead of joining in person.

Ten members were present, Barb had devotions and Noelene read from the prayer calendar. 

Kim Perry gave the treasure report. We have been blessed to have her as our treasure, but she is resigning and Marguerite Overs has accepted taking the position.

Dottie Mathias had the program for Pledge to Missions. She followed the 2020 UMW Program book adapting it to social distancing. First we looked at on phones and each member wrote down three places, people or ways UMW follows the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25:35 We  then took turns calling out  different numbers and sharing the information to make our Kin-dom web. As you can tell we were missing 12 and 5 so our web had holes, just as the ability for UMW to help others when pledges are missing.

It was interesting to read all the ways UMW reaches others.  Your pledge  works in many ways around the world. 

The program ended with remembering our baptism. Each member went up put their pledge in the basket and another member stood at the other end of the table and in the air made the sign of the cross and said " In baptism, you a beloved child of God, are called to be in mission and ministry"

During announcements Barb Reed and Karma Boyd both told us that for medical reason it was best for them to step down as leader and co-leader. We thank them for their leadership and in keeping this new circle going. They have done a great job and their shoes will be hard to fill. Noelene McCall and Dottie Mathias have agreed to take over leadership for next year.

The Thankful basket was past around and all expressed gratitude for being able to gather together again and several members had the joy of weddings. 


 Due to the COVID-19 public health advisories and the need to have our United Methodist Women Lunch Bunch Circle meeting online using Zoom, this Special Mission Recognition presentation was different from what is usually done. 

This was what was read at the Zoom meeting.

This woman has been an active member of the UMW for several years. She has done programs and participated in many activities within the Lunch Bunch Circle and Unit. She has been an active volunteer at the annual Holiday Bazaar. She found her niche in the Country Store especially  with the canned food items. For the past two years at least, she was one of two persons who made hundreds of jars of jams. Her home was the center of activity from summer into fall. The task did not end there. The week of the Bazaar, she transported all of the goods and worked with the team to set up the Store. She also worked in the Country Store on sale days. Last year before the Bazaar she injured her foot. But, she was there wearing her boot, and making sure everything was done. She also worked after the sale. Within the Circle, she is a willing volunteer when help is needed or if someone has to switch programming on a scheduled month. 

Before the changes in time of the Sunday morning Worship Services, she attended the 8:00 Church service. She was always willing to transport anyone who needed a ride to church or a meeting. She is involved in many service projects at Trilogy where she and her husband reside. For example they help deliver school supplies to the schools that are selected by the group. She can be counted on t  help whenever needed in her home community.

Kay Justice it is with thanks for your involvement in United Methodist Women and your participation at First United Methodist Church of Clermont that we present you with this Special Mission Recognition Pin.  It is an honor to have had you with us as a member of United Methodist Women and the Lunch Bunch Circle. We wish you and your husband well as you relocate to Texas the end of October,2020. We know that you will quickly find a church home and be a blessing to them and to God. Thank you for your service to Christ and to the world. 

After the meeting Diane Wells, Noelene McCall  and Evelyn Rose went to Kay's home and presented her with the pin.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


 The East Central District  annual meeting was held virtually on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Thanks to hard working officers they put together a very good meeting and calmly hung in when there was a problem. There were 8 churches and 48 people on the meeting. 

 Sorry, I didn't think to take pictures from my computer screen at first. Margarite Overs did the prayer calendar and it was about orphanages in China. She share pictures and stories of her two adopted grandchildren from China, and her knowledge of orphanages having worked in China for 5 years. 

 The program began with different people reading scripture from Geneses about the life of Joseph. It was followed with breakout groups. They had put us in groups of about 7 so we could have discussion. Our goals were to get to know each other, share scriptures we each had been emailed, think how it related to scripture from Geneses and how it applied to UMW. After a set amount of time we all came back together and each group shared. The main idea is as United Methodist Women we continue to have faith and spread the love of God through our actions even through a time such as this.  Know that God has a plan, continue going forward.

Churches and individuals were recognized for being 5 Star Units, Rainbow Givers, Mission Today Unit and for doing the UMW  Reading Program. Our Clermont unit and many of our members were recognized in each of these. Thanks to all of our leaders and all of our participation, keep up the good work. 
Anne Winn gave a  President's Award to  Janet Blume. A sapphire special recognition pin was presented to her for all the behind the scene work she does for our East Central District. Her work was definitely evident in the success of this meeting.
A memorial service was done with pictures of each member who has past away this year. There were a few more from our unit, but it started before I thought about taking the pictures, sorry to those I missed:  Muriel Arey and  Lee Ferman.
Marilyn Williams
Helen Newton
Jane McClintock
Dottie Foreman

Rosemary Yoder

The business meeting was then called to order by Anne Winn. The budget was reduced to $40,000 as requested by the conference. Nominations for officers were presented by Ladye Cox, after voting, they were installed.  Our unit's members are well represented on the District level with Janet Blume as secretary, Pat Harrell as Program Resources and Dottie Mathias on nominations.

Anne did an excellent job of keeping this meeting moving along and following the time schedule ending the meeting at 12:00.  A poll was taken and most enjoyed the program and liked having it done by Zoom. Thanks to all the work behind the scenes that went into making it a very successful ECD annual meeting.

Friday, October 2, 2020


Saturday, September 26 several  of our members joined the rally to promote the awareness of human  trafficking. It is happening here in our communities.
The average age for children that are trafficked is 12-14 years old and  here in Florida it is 10-11. With the youngest being 8 right here from central Florida. The message shared was if you see something, do something.

 People of all ages, race, and religious affiliations gathered at city hall in Clermont for speakers and prayers .If you are interested in learning about what you can do please visit this website
 Harbour Hope International  offers virtual orientation and will gladly come and talk to any group that would like to learn about the problem and how you can help.