Thursday, December 12, 2019


 Carolyn Blankenship welcomed everyone to our unit meeting and installation service Thursday, December 12th.

The leadership team was introduced and voted on. President Celeste Hicks, Vice President Carolyn Blankenship, Secretary Andrea Adair, Treasury Ann Vogt, Nominations Chair Diane Wells, and Missions Chair Cathy D'heron.

 Women Weaving One World was the theme of the installation service.
 Pastor Dawn talked about weaving, an activity women have done since the loom was invented.
 Each officer added a different color thread to a bracelet representing the office they held.

 The finished hanging shows how each member have been woven into a colorful team with the basic pattern being the Purpose of United Methodist Women.
 Pat Herring read from the Prayer Calendar and shared an article on how projects like the UMCOR hygiene kits help girls around the world.
 Evelyn Rose, as a representative from the District, presented certificates that our unit has earned.
 Linda accepted the Mission Today Unit Status  and the Mission Study Certificate.
 We are a Five Star Unit.
 Pat Harrell gave out the Reading Certificates. There were many who acheived level one and level two reading certificates, a few for the first time.
 Sue Fink once again was a level 4 Reader.
 Ann Vogt  announced the Rainbow Givers for 2018. Karen Beagle explained that she had given a special recognition pin to Sue Friend for all the mission work she does.

Ann shared that our unit has given over $18,000 this year in support of many missions and $8,783 in pledges which goes to District for their use. The budget for this year was then voted on.

 Kathy D'heron is head of the mission selection committee and talked about the great needs in the community and encouraged us to get more women in our circles and church informed and involved.
 Celeste Hicks had a special legacy presentation recognizing some of the women in our unit. She read the names of the women from our unit that have died this year and how each can be an inspiration to us. She then recognized the women in our unit who have been members for many years, Ibbie Moultrie has been a member for 62 years and Jan Shultz for 59 years. Neither were able to attend today.
 Elaine Cowles has been a member of UMW for 54 years. Celeste presented her with a special recognition pin.
 Joyce Smith received a pin for her 51 years of being in UMW.  She shared about the different circles she has been a part of.
 Nancy shared about her missionary service and then becoming a deaconess in 1970 and working at Cornerstone and then in public school.
 Celeste thanked Diane Wells for filling in as Unit President when she was away helping with her grand daughter. Diane has been a UMW member for 50 years.
 These women all leave us a strong legacy and we are appreciative of all their years of service and the work they continue to do.
 Some members lead the group in singing Christmas carols while the food was being put out.
 Thanks to Daughters of Lydia for hosting and for everyone who brought such a delicious, assortment of food.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


 Each circle has had a special Christmas meeting this month some of them at homes or restaurants. The Lunch Bunch gathered in the Social Hall. Different people volunteered to decorate the table.
 They even provided the table's place settings.

 The table decorations added to the holiday festivities.

 Each was unique and beautiful.
 Some brought appetizers for the first course,
 and then there were lots of desserts.
 About 40 members attended.
For some entertainment Linda did an interpretive dance to the song "Mary Did You Know".

Many gloves, hats and blankets were brought to donate to Mascotte Elementary School for children that may not have warm enough clothing and homes in the colder weather. As usual United Methodist Women were very generous and a blessing. Merry Christmas to everyone.