Wednesday, April 27, 2022


People of  Faith gathered together on Wednesday, April 26 for this delightful program.

It was held at the South Lake Presbyterian Church.
 It was a program done by a church in PA. Caroline was the MC. She added to the script about the woman's attire and their story that made each woman come to life.

Woman for several of the churches were models. Eve with her snake and apple.

 Noah's wife ready for the flood and fishing.

Lot's wife loved to entertain and party

But was turned into a pillar of salt.

Rebekah ready to gather some water.

Miriam dancing and playing the tamberine.
Time for a song.
Sarah ready to travel.
Here comes the judge, Deborah.
Delilah with her scissors and payment.
Watch out for the Woman of Endor, a female sorcerer.
Geneva did an interpretive dance.
Hannah hoping for a son.
Esther with her crown.
Salome with beautiful embroidered clothing
Mary Magdalene in prayer.

Mary in her maternity travel attire.
Martha always helping in the house.
Eunice with her scrolls and ready to teach the children.
Dorcas sewing to help others.

Priscilla ready to preach.

Lydia with all her purple.
The program ended with prayer request and praying for Ukraine. 
South Lake Presbyterian church has a food bank. They give food out to anyone in need every Monday. They were open all through the pandemic, never missed a week. The number of people in need is increasing.
Food and toilet paper was donated today to help fill the shelves. 
A delicious luncheon was served after the progam. Thanks to all who worked on the program and lunch. The next People of Faith meeting in the last Wednesday of September at the Methodist Church.

Friday, April 15, 2022


Circle of J.O.Y. had Pastor Kris Schonewolf come and speak on April 13. She leads the Oasis prison ministry for the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church at Lowell Correctional Institution. It is the woman prison housing about 3,000 women.  

 She talked about the Oasis ministry that provides Bible studies, worship service, guitar lessons, mentoring counseling, Christian Movie nights, crochet ministry, literacy tutoring, financial literacy, art therapy and HOPE letter writing.  Lots of volunteer opportunities, but Ocala where the prison is located,  is a little far for us to go. Anyone, anywhere can participate in HOPE letter writing and make a significant impact on the life of an incarcerated woman. Mentors write letters of love, hope and encouragement.  You share the love of Christ.

At least 50 women attended, many members from other circles.

There was a lot of interest and many questions. A very informative program.
 If you would like to become involved in writing HOPE letters you can talk to Margarite Overs our units Social Action Coordinator or email

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


On Saturday, April 10,2022 the Children's Ministry at church hosted an Eggstravaganza with the Easter Bunny, games and an egg hunt.
There were two teams, one the children ministry side the other the youth ministry side.  Over 200 people attended.

One game the parent had to blow eggs off the table with the pail and the children had to catch them in their bucket.
The egg balance was impossible. Wearing an egg hat and balancing an egg on a spoon. 
Next there was the ring toss onto the bunny ear hat.

The final game everyone got into the act with trying to keep the balls and balloons from being on there side of the room.

The empty egg taught the Bible story that He is not here; He has risen just as he said. Matthew 28:6
Natalie, the children ministry leader did a great job.
Then everyone went outside and there were a LOT of eggs for each age group to gather.
There were three golden eggs to find.
The little ones got help from mom or dad. After all the eggs were found, they sat and emptied them of all the candy, stickers, erasers and trinkets they had been filled with. The eggs will be used again next year. Hot dogs were cooked by Pastor Doug and lunch was enjoyed. It was a beautiful day.
Happy Easter to all. 


On April 6, 2022 Grace and Grief served a luncheon after a funeral.This was the first funeral luncheon since the pandemic closed the church in March, 2020.

It was a big gathering of about 70 people.
Lots of desserts, food, and drink provided by many people.

Joseph Edward McGrath was just 44 years old. The family and friends were very appreciative of Grace and Grief Ministry's help.