Tuesday, November 27, 2018


 Two tubs of 90 red stockings and baby hats were delivered to South Lake Women's Hospital on Tuesday. The Daughters of Lydia circle coordinated this as their mission project, with women from all the circles helping to knit the hats and sew stockings.
 The Christmas elves.
 A poem is attached to the stocking that says:

A bundle of love came your way
One to give you happiness every day.
It will wiggle and giggle and give you love.
Love that comes from God above.
United Methodist women love your bundle too,
We made this stocking especially for you.
 Mom and Dad welcomed Olivia to the world this morning, she is Clermont's new resident.
She is precious in her stocking and hat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


 Dorann Fryman had it in her heart to start a new circle geared towards younger women in the church. She had a meeting  in September on a Sunday evening inviting anyone interested. Sunday evening was chosen as the time for the circle to meet for babysitting is available at the church and many of the women have jobs.  The name Young Women of God was chosen and at the first meeting there were 12 women present. Dorann is acting as their mentor but Katrina Scott is the leader. This picture was taken at their November meeting. There were two new members and some members were not able to attend because of other commitments. 
 Even with just getting started they are off and running. Kayleigh Higginbotham designed a shirt which they have chosen to use. 
 They followed all of the UMW agenda opening with prayer and UMW Purpose. A mission witness from the prayer calendar was shared.   Kayleigh had a beautiful devotion she had written.
Jan Becherer, UMW Vice President was invited to talk to them about UMW local mission projects and giving. This is a very excited group of young women wanting to be active in missions and UMW. They are on facebook so you can friend them at FUMC Young Women of God.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


 Getting the Holiday Bazaar set up takes days and many workers. So many beautiful floral arrangements to display.
 Getting the General Store ready with all their goodies.
 Displaying all the jewelry.
 Another tree to decorate.
 Many hours of work and still more to display.

 How many handbags are there?
 Thanks to the guys that helped with the golf carts all week. There was a lot to bring in.
 Saturday morning the Made with Love Shop is ready for costumers.
 All the beautiful arrangements are out and ready to be sold.
 The tree looks like a winter wonderland.
 The General Store is well stocked.

 All the handbags on display.

Many women ready for costumers.
 Santa made his visit.
 Mrs Claus helped the children decorate  cookies.
At 2 o'clock names were drawn from each bag for each of the lovely items in the Opportunity Drawing. Congratulation to all of the lucky winners.

 The cashiers were kept busy all day.
 Thanks to everyone who came and shopped and all the workers that helped to make it a success.
A lot of ministries are helped with the money the bazaar raises.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Orlando group including Clermont FUMC went to participate at Sager Brown UMCOR along with First UMC of Orlando,Winter Park UMC  and Broadway UMC on October 28 to November 2, 2018.
In blue are the 4  women from FUMC; Judy Stambaugh, Noelene McCall, Sharon Kowalski, and  Pam Anders.
Map of depots for UMCOR. They were at the blue star in Sager Brown, Baldwin Louisiana.

 On the way they attended church at First UMC, Slidell, Louisiana. They enjoyed their massive pumpkin patch.
More pumpkins.

First day they had an orientation with Bennie.
64 volunteers came from Oklahoma, Texas and Florida for this week.
Instructions from Geretta on correct way to fill flood buckets.
The first step is to remove the lids and check buckets sent from churches around the USA.

Some of the group worked at Chez Hope Domestic Violence shelter renovating room for client in the local community.
 These brushes were not suitable for flood bucket. They are donated to other organizations.

 Pam helping fold trash bags to be put in buckets.
 Judy collecting unsuitable items for flood buckets.which we were offered to bring back to use in our own communities.
 One section of the warehouse. Filled buckets ready to go when needed, approximately 60,000. Over 3,000 buckets were completed during this week.

Dale Perkins from Orlando group leading Vespers service on Thursday evening. We had devotions every morning and evening.
We started the day at 7 o'clock with devotions, then had breakfast ans started working by 8. We took an hour for lunch and stopped work by 4:30. We had several breaks throughout the day, to make sure we stayed hydrated.  We had dinner at 5:15 followed by devotions at 7.

Clermont ladies devotion on Tuesday evening was about "Mission and Missions." They shared some of our local mission projects. They plan to go back next year on November 9 to 16, 2019, come and join us. A very worth while trip with lasting memories and fellowship on this sacred ground with other United Methodist members from around the country.

Monday, November 5, 2018


 Seven members of Clermont UMW went to Lakeland First United Methodist Church on Saturday November 3, 2018 for the Florida Conference of UMW.
 Kay Roach, conference President welcomed us.
 Penny Shaw the President of Lakeland UMW spoke.

 The children and youth choir from First Church Lakeland sang and played chimes.
 "This Little Light Of Mine" was one of their songs. And we were reminded to be that light throughout the day.
 The Keynote Speaker was Julie Taylor, Executive Director National Farm workers. The Bible verse for the meeting was Colossians 1:10 Then you will live a life that honors the Lord, and you will always please him by doing good deeds. You will come to know God even better.
 Sacred spaces form relationship with others. When we do we overcome phobias and it changes us.

 We all have gifts to give and we also need to receive the gifts others have to give us. We need to embrace our likes and differences. We need to stand WITH. It may not be personally advantages to stand with, may be jailed or beaten.  We stand with when we join a picket line, boycott a store, speak up about injustice.
 Examples from the Bible of times people stood WITH.

 70% of the farm workers in the USA are immigrants. 95% of them are from Mexico and 70% of them are undocumented but have been in the USA for at least 10 years. Years ago the farmers in Mexico lost their farms when the USA flooded the Mexican market with our surplus corn making it impossible for the small farmer to compete. The average farm worker make $16,000 a year. For every $1.00 worth of food we buy 6 cents goes to the farm worker, 23 cents to the grower and 71 cents to the food processor.
 Isolation is a big problem with farm workers. They are isolated by language, rural area of work and fear of being fired or deported. They work 12 hours days and live in poor conditions with  no regulations. We need to stand WITH these farm workers.
  LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, no qualification!
 Kim Wendt led us in singing through out the day.
 Edith Zewadski-Bricker gave s Social Action Report. PamAnders would love her jacket. She talked about Mercy ministry with march for Fair Food program, boycotting Wendy's and the Giving Fence.
 And she shared Justice Ministry.
 150th Anniversary Legacy Fund Presentation. We were asked to Fun-Raise for the Legacy Fund to reach it $60 million goal. The Legacy Fund supports the work of UMW and its members to lift up the most marginalized in our communities and around the world.
  We had a nice lunch and then there was a short business meeting and a Memorial service.
Reverend June Edwards, Superintendent of the North Central District, was the Communion Celebrant. She talked about the Sacred space of nature, worship and community. We honor God when we worship together. Sacred place with God and one another. Everybody has a place at the table.