Sunday, February 10, 2019


Saturday, February 9 a group from Clermont UMW went to First United Methodist church Winter Garden for the Mission  study on Embracing Wholeness.
 There was  good attendance with four churches represented.
 Linda Welander, Janet Blume, Pat Harrell, Jan Becherer, Pat Hering and Dottie Mathias.
 A little blurry but someone took this picture so I could be in it, just to prove I was there.

An excellent presentation was given by Jackie Bridges who teaches at Mission U.
 She asked us to put aside these preconceived concept ....  That the Earth belongs to us, we are superior to all of nature, and the world needs us to take care of it.
 We were all given a leaf. We watched an interesting video from Duke University about farming and  our interaction with food.  Today most Americans see food as a commodity, bought at a store. We buy what is cheap and convenient. We need to see food as a precious gift. It was suggested we host an intentional meal where everyone helps to make and cook the meal thinking about where it all came from and how it reached our home.
 God keeps his part even when we don't in the covenant.
 Read through these slides of Jackie's presentation.

We saw a video on Harvest Shame on the migrant workers in Immokalee, FL who harvest tomatoes. It told how the coalition of farm workers have helped to improve the migrants workers lives with the Fair Food Program. Buyers pay 1 cent per pound more for each pound of tomatoes the pickers harvest and the money goes to the workers. Wendy's and Publix has not joined this movement and is why we are asked to boycott or picket these stores.
The program gave us a lot to think about and I hope all of you will attend the Clermont United Methodist Women Mission Study on April 27, 2019.

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